Hi, I'm Zak...
I'm a professor at Michigan State University, in the Psychology Department's Social-Personality program. But my research projects span several disciplines including network science, urban studies, implementation science, geography, sociology, and education. Most of the courses I teach are focused on methods, including network analysis and agent-based modeling. In addition to my research and teaching, I also edit two academic journals. I live with my wife and two cats in East Lansing, and when I'm not working, I love to travel, cook, brew beer, and enjoy wine.
How did I get here?
2023 – Present, Professor @ MSU
2016 – 2023, Associate Professor @ MSU
2009 – 2016, Assistant Professor @ MSU
2009, PhD in Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago
2005, MA in Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago
2001, BA in Philosophy, University of Arizona
What am I editing?
Editor @ Evidence & Policy
Editor @ Global Networks
Editorial Board @ Journal of Social Structure
Editorial Board @ Am. J. Community Psychology
What am I brewing?
Darkest Before the Light, Belgian Quad
Everything but the Huevos, Chile Breakfast Stout
Orange Krüsh, Kölsch with orange peel
The Earl of Stout, Milk Stout with Earl Gray tea
What am I uncorking?
Where have I been?